Our Agency
City Development Board - October 9, 2024
State of Iowa City Development Board
Board Meeting
October 9, 2024
1:00 p.m.
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200 – Helmick Conference Room
Des Moines, Iowa
State of Iowa City Development Board
Board Meeting
October 9, 2024
1:00 p.m.
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200 – Helmick Conference Room
Des Moines, Iowa
Dennis Plautz, Board Chairperson
Jim Halverson, Board Vice Chairperson
Thomas Treharne
Laura Skogman*
Colleen Frein*
Matt Rasmussen
Betty Hessing
Vicky Clinkscales
Lisa Connell
Eric Dirth, Iowa Attorney General’s Office
Chrissi Wiersma, City of Hudson*
Mayor Gail Bunz, City of Hudson*
Jenna Sabroske, Atty. Rep. City of Arnolds Park*
Linda Nase, City of Arnolds Park*
Shalee Crispen, City of Carlisle
Anthony Volz, IDOT*
Lori Judge, IDOT*
Nathan Aronson, IDOT*
Jace Mikels, Senate Democrats Caucus Staff*
*Participated via Teams Webinar
Call to Order at 1:00 p.m.
I. Welcome & Introductions – Board Chairperson Dennis Plautz
II. Roll Call – Matt Rasmussen, Board Administrator
III. Approve Agenda
Motion by: Jim Halverson
Motion: Move approval of the October 9, 2024 agenda as presented.
Second: Tom Treharne
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
IV. Consideration of September 11, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes
Motion by: Jim Halverson
Motion: Move approval of the September 11, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes.
Second: Tom Treharne
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
V. New Business
UA24-17 – Hudson
Matt Rasmussen stated this is a 100% Voluntary annexation petition for the City of Hudson consisting of 52.5 acres and approximately 26 R-6 residential lots will be created for homes to be constructed. The water service will be provided by rural water. The sewer service will be provided by a septic system with approval from Black Hawk County. The garbage service will be provided by Black Hawk Waste. There will be no new services following completion of the annexation. Basically, all services will remain the same. The parcels to be annexed are not subject to any existing moratorium agreements. There is a county road right-of-way within the annexation territory and the County Attorney was notified of the annexation. Mr. Rasmussen reported the packet appears to be complete and properly filed. The proposed annexation area was displayed on a map and Chrissi Wiersma, City Administrator/Clerk for the City of Hudson, was present to answer questions.
Motion by: Tom Treharne
Motion: I move the Board approve UA24-17 as being complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Second: Laura Skogman
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
UA24-19 – Hudson
Matt Rasmussen explained this is a 100% voluntary annexation petition for the City of Hudson. The property owners own land on the south side of Ranchero Road, which is adjacent to Hudson’s city limits. They desire to voluntarily annex 2.3 acres into the City of Hudson. The proposed annexation is within the urban area of Waterloo and Cedar Falls. The annexation would provide additional land for further residential housing and economic development which benefits the City's tax base. The water service will be provided by rural water. The sewer service will be provided by a septic system with approval from Black Hawk County. The garbage service will be provided by Black Hawk Waste. There will be no new services that will be provided following the completion of the annexation. All services will remain the same. The proposed annexation is not subject to a moratorium agreement. Mr. Rasmussen reported the packet appears to be complete and properly filed. The proposed annexation area was displayed on a map and Chrissi Wiersma, City Administrator/Clerk for the City of Hudson, was present to answer questions.
Motion by: Tom Treharne
Motion: I move the Board approve UA24-19 as being complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Second: Laura Skogman
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
UA24-20 – Arnolds Park
Matt Rasmussen explained this is a 100% voluntary annexation for the City of Arnolds Park consisting of 80 acres. In 2014, Douglas & Janis Leiss signed a voluntary annexation agreement to be annexed into the City of Arnolds Park in exchange for the City providing water service and sanitary sewer service to the property. In 2024, the City requested and secured consent to be included in this annexation, from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife, the division responsible for the included federal land. Consent was obtained to include the federal land within the proposed annexation territory to facilitate a connection with the Leiss property, in order to complete the annexation that was applied for in 2014. The parcel owned by Doug & Janis Leiss is classified as residential within Dickinson County. The other two parcels, owned by the United States of America, are classified as agricultural land within Dickinson County and are undeveloped land. After annexation, the property is expected to be zoned Agriculture/Conservation District within the City of Arnolds Park. The City currently provides water and sanitary sewer service to the property, consistent with the 2014 agreement between the City and the Leiss's. The City will provide additional municipal services to the annexation territory as needed, including police and fire protection services. It is not subject to a moratorium agreement. County road right-of-way has been included in the annexation territory and the County Attorney was properly noticed. Matt Rasmussen reported the packet appears to be complete and properly filed. The proposed annexation area was displayed on a map. Jenna Sabroske with Ahlers and Cooney PC, Attorney representing the City of Arnolds Park, was present to answer questions.
Motion by: Jim Halverson
Motion: I move the Board approve UA24-20 as being complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Second: Tom Treharne
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
UA24-21 – Carlisle
Matt Rasmussen explained this is a 100% voluntary request from the City of Carlisle consisting of 202.48 acres and is located within a two mile urbanized area of the City of Des Moines. In Carlisle, newly annexed properties are zoned as residential. Such zoning districts are consistent with the uses identified within the City's 2020 adopted Future Land Use Map. No development is currently proposed within this annexation area. New services that will be provided to this annexation area include: public safety, public works, planning and other general municipal services. There are no annexation moratorium agreements in existence for this area. County-owned roadway is included, and the County Attorney was properly noticed. Matt Rasmussen reported the packet appears to be complete and properly filed. Shalee Crispen, City Clerk for the City of Carlisle, was present to answer questions.
Motion by: Tom Treharne
Motion: I move the Board approve UA24-21 as being complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Second: Laura Skogman
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
VI. Staff Reports
Matt Rasmussen reported that we have at least two annexations for next month. Matt Rasmussen also wanted the entire Board to be aware that he is retiring, and January 2, 2025 will be his last day. If you ever have any annexation questions, you have my cell phone number, and I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. All the City Development Board attorneys and all you Board members have been a great group of folks to work with. Chairperson Plautz commended Matt Rasmussen and Betty Hessing for giving the CDB tremendous support. Eric Dirth is also a great attorney for the Board, and we have an excellent legal record. This board deals with very complex matters, and we need competent staff leadership. It is a very important board, and it is one that deals with a lot of emotional subject matters. Board members congratulated Matt and wished him the best. Jim Halverson is also retiring from his employer on November 4, 2024, but he will still be on the City Development Board.
VII. Future City Development Board Meeting
November 13, 2024 – 1:00 p.m. at IEDA, 1963 Bell Avenue, Helmick Conference Room,
Des Moines
VIII. Adjournment
1:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Betty Hessing
Administrative Assistant to CDB
Approved as to form:
Matt Rasmussen
Board Administrator to CDB