Our Agency

City Development Board - May 10, 2023

State of Iowa
City Development Board
Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2023
Iowa Economic Development Authority
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room
Des Moines, Iowa


Call to order 1:00 p.m.

Board Members Present
Dennis Plautz, Board Chairperson*
Jim Halverson, Board Vice Chairperson
Chris McKee
Laura Skogman*
Thomas Treharne

Others Present
Matt Rasmussen, Administrator, City Development Board
Betty Hessing, Administrative Assistant, City Development Board
Eric Dirth, Iowa Department of Justice
Vicky Clinkscales, IT Department, IEDA
Doug Boldt, City Administrator, City of Tiffin
Isaac Pezley, City Planner, City of Bondurant
Jenna Sabroske, Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., City Attorney for Alton
Brent Nelson, City of Sioux City*
Laura Berkley, Development & Planning Administrator, City of Davenport*
Robert Rice, Director, Polk County Public Works Department*
Joe Paragano, Hoyt + Berenyi, LLC*
Lori Judge, IDOT*
Anthony Volz, IDOT*
Nathan Aronson, IDOT*

*Participated via Teams Webinar

Introduction by Chair Dennis Plautz
Chair Plautz welcomed Laura Skogman and Thomas Treharne to the City Development Board.

Roll Call by Matt Rasmussen, Board Administrator
All Board members were present.
Request for amendments to agenda – No changes to agenda.
Motion by
Jim Halverson
I move to approve the agenda as presented.
Thomas Treharne
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

Consideration of April 12, 2023 Business Meeting Minutes
Motion by
Laura Skogman
I move the business meeting minutes of April 12, 2023 be approved as printed and distributed.
Jim Halverson
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

New Business

UA23-05 Tiffin
Matt Rasmussen reported this is a 100% voluntary annexation for the City of Tiffin, totaling approximately 34.91 acres. The owner of the property would like to build a commercial building site. Part of the desire to annex is the ability to be served by city utilities. The Tiffin city limits already exist directly to the north and to the east of this parcel. If annexation is granted to the property owner, this would complete the annexation of all the properties directly adjacent to Roberts Ferry Road on the west side. This parcel has water and sanitary sewer services available to it off of Roberts Ferry Road and upon annexation, all other typical city services—such as street maintenance, police, fire, garbage pickup and building inspections and enforcement—will be provided. This annexation is not subject to a moratorium agreement. If this annexation is approved, Roberts Ferry Road will be completely within the city limits, which would eliminate an existing 28E Agreement that they have with the county. Mr. Rasmussen stated this packet does appear to be complete and properly filed. Doug Boldt, Tiffin’s City Administrator, was present to explain further and answer questions from board members.
Motion by
Chris McKee
I move the Board finds UA23-05 as complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Thomas Treharne
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

UA23-06 Davenport
Matt Rasmussen reported this is a 100% voluntary annexation for the City of Davenport and consists of 182.35 acres. RIVALDD Farms, Inc. is requesting to be annexed into the City of Davenport for future industrial development. The property is currently in row crops. Upon annexation, the City will discuss rezoning the property to L-1, Light Industrial District with the respective owners. It is the overall intent to add this property to the inventory of "shovel-ready" sites well suited for industrial
development. This annexation is part of an overall strategy to provide for future industrial development in this area. Full urban services are already in place or are nearby, including power from MidAmerican Energy Company and water from Iowa-American Water Company. Municipal services—including sanitary sewer, public works and emergency response—will be provided by the City of Davenport.
The territory is not subject to an existing moratorium agreement. County-owned right-of-way has been included in the proposal and has been properly noticed. Mr. Rasmussen stated the packet appears to be complete and properly filed. Laura Berkley, Development & Planning Administrator for the City of Davenport, was present to answer questions from board members.
Motion by
Thomas Treharne
I move the Board finds UA23-06 as complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Laura Skogman
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

S/UA23-07 Alton
Matt Rasmussen reported the proposed annexation territory consists of approximately 4.531 acres of land that is proposed to be severed from the incorporated territory of Orange City and then annexed to the City of Alton. The City Council of Orange City has approved a petition for severance. The property is currently being used for agricultural purposes and is undeveloped land. Following annexation, the annexation territory is expected to be used for new residential development. The proposed annexation area is identified in the City's Comprehensive Plan as an area to target for expansion. The City currently does not provide services to the territory. Following annexation, the City anticipates providing water, sewer, storm sewer and natural gas services to the territory to accommodate residential development. Electrical service is anticipated to be provided by MidAmerican Energy. The proposed boundary change is consistent with an annexation agreement between the Cities of Orange City and Alton and this packet appears to be complete and properly filed. Jenna Sabroske with Ahlers & Cooney, P.C., representing the City of Alton, was present to explain further and answer questions from board members.
Motion by
Chris McKee
I move the Board find S/UA23-07, severance from the City of Orange City and annexation into the City of Alton, as complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Thomas Treharne
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

UA23-08 Bondurant
Matt Rasmussen stated this is a 100% voluntary annexation for the City of Bondurant consisting of 100 acres. No development is currently proposed within this annexation area. However, in advance of finalizing this annexation, the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council are in the process of considering a zoning district designation of low-density residential for the northern annexation parcel and a zoning district designation of high-density residential for the southern annexation parcel. Such zoning districts are consistent with the uses identified within the City's 2022 Adopted Future Land Use Map.
New City of Bondurant services that will be provided to this annexation area include: public safety, public works, planning and other general municipal services. There are no annexation moratorium agreements in existence for this annexation area. County-owned roadway is included as part of the annexation area. Notice requirements of Iowa Code 368.5 were done and this packet appears to be complete and properly filed. Isaac Pezley, City Planner for the City of Bondurant, was present to answer questions from board members.
Motion by
Thomas Treharne
I move the Board finds UA23-08 as complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Laura Skogman
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

UA23-09 Sioux City
Matt Rasmussen stated this is a 100% voluntary annexation request for the City of Sioux City consisting of 16.78 acres. Old Dominion Freight Line Inc. filed an application with the City of Sioux City to be annexed into the city boundaries to allow their trucking company to locate to the site. Services proposed to be provided to the proposed annexation territory includes water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, paved street, fire protection and police protection.

This annexation is not subject to a moratorium agreement. This annexation territory does have a common boundary with a secondary road and so the secondary road will be automatically taken to the centerline and has been properly noticed.
Mr. Rasmussen stated the packet appears to be complete and properly filed. Brent Nelson, Senior Planner with the City of Sioux City, was present to explain further and answer questions.
Motion by
Thomas Treharne
I move the Board finds UA23-09 as complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Chris McKee
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

Staff Reports
Matt Rasmussen stated we have one annexation for the June 14th agenda and we expect to receive a couple more. Matt Rasmussen stated that the Board is strongly urged to use ‘Team Papers’ for viewing the City Development Board meeting packets. Vicky Clinkscales is our IT person and she assists us with board meetings and is available to work with board members to make sure you can use your ‘Team Papers’ to view the monthly board packets. Matt Rasmussen asked Vicky Clinkscales if she had anything further to add and she told board members to give her a call if they are having issues getting into ‘Team Papers’. Matt Rasmussen stated we have gotten into the habit of sending a link when board members request a link and we are trying to get away from doing that. Vicky Clinkscales stated that using ‘Team Papers’ is a directive from our legal staff. Eric Dirth stated he had three brief updates as it relates to litigation. (1) We were served on Monday, May 8, with a lawsuit from Mr. Campbell, which he filed pro se, regarding the Ankeny annexation. The answer will be due in twenty days. (2) We got a ruling on a Motion to Intervene. Mr. Smith, representing the City of Altoona, has been granted a motion so he is intervening in the case of the Schuling/Altoona annexation. With Mr. Smith joining on our side of the case, we are going to get a briefing scheduled and a hearing later. (3) We are still waiting for a decision on the City of Dubuque and City Development Board, Sageville matter.

Future Meeting
June 14, 2023 at 1:00 p.m., City Development Board Business Meeting at IEDA, 1963 Bell Ave., Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room, Des Moines or via Teams Webinar

1:24 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Hessing, Administrative Assistant
