Our Agency

City Development Board - March 8, 2023

State of Iowa
City Development Board
Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2023
Iowa Economic Development Authority
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room
Des Moines, Iowa

Call to order 1:03 p.m.

Jim Halverson, Board Vice Chairperson**
Chris McKee**
Mackenzie O’Hair**

Mackenzie O’Hair**
Dennis Plautz, Board Chairperson
Mari Bunney

Others Present
Matt Rasmussen, Administrator, City Development Board
Betty Hessing, Administrative Assistant, City Development Board
Eric Dirth, Iowa Department of Justice
Vicky Clinkscales, IT Department, IEDA
Alex Pfaltzgraff, Development Services Director, City of Grimes*
Nick Gral, Whitfield & Eddy, P.L.C., Legal Counsel for City of Grimes*
Alecia Meuleners, Whitfield & Eddy, P.L.C., Legal Counsel for City of Grimes*
Bob Rice, Director, Polk County Public Works Department*
Lori Judge, IDOT*
Anthony Volz, IDOT*
Nathan Aronson, IDOT*
Evan Johnson, Legislative Services Agency, State of Iowa*
Anne, Guest*
*Participated via Teams Webinar
**Board members participated via Teams Webinar due to brief duration of meeting.

Introduction by Vice Chair Jim Halverson

Roll Call by Matt Rasmussen, Board Administrator

A quorum was established.

Request for amendments to agenda
Motion by
Chris McKee
I move to approve the agenda as presented.
Mackenzie O’Hair
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

Consideration of February 8, 2023 Business Meeting Minutes
Motion by
Mackenzie O’Hair
I move the Business meeting minutes of February 8, 2023 be approved as printed and distributed.
Chris McKee
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved.

New Business
NC23-04 Grimes
Matt Rasmussen reported this is an 80/20 annexation petition for the City of Grimes consisting of 676.99 acres, not including right-of-way. The non-consenting total is 75.62 acres which means the percentage of non-consenting is 11.17%.

The City of Grimes received applications for voluntary annexation from seven property owners, which consisted of five parcels in Polk County and six parcels in Dallas County. The City of Grimes included three parcels in Dallas County as non-consenting. The purpose of this annexation will be for low density residential development and agricultural/agricultural dwelling. The City's adopted Future Land Use Plan indicates that the subject property shall be developed as low density residential, medium density residential and high design residential, mixed-use one, future parks and greenway.

The City has already extended sanitary sewer to the subject property, which will ultimately provide service to over 1,000 acres of future development property. Water service is currently available to the subject property and additional improvements are being developed for construction in 2023 and 2024. The annexation territory is not subject to an existing moratorium agreement.

The annexation territory includes secondary road right-of-way which was properly noticed. Mr. Rasmussen stated this packet appears to be complete and properly filed. Alex Pfaltzgraff, Development Services Director for the City of Grimes, was present to explain further and answer questions.

Motion by
Mackenzie O’Hair
I move the Board finds NC23-04 as complete and properly filed and that a date for a public hearing be scheduled.
Chris McKee
Roll Call
All ayes. Motion approved. A public hearing was scheduled for April 12, 2023 at 2:30 p.m.

Staff Reports
Matt Rasmussen stated at the current time, we do not have anything on agenda for the April 12th regular business meeting. I would request that all board members be here in-person for that meeting not only because we have three public hearings that day, but also that will be the last meeting for two of the board members. We would like to have a send-off for them with Director Durham thanking them also.

Eric Dirth stated he had three updates for the Board. First is Schuling’s vs. the State of Iowa City Development Board. We had a hearing on a Motion to Intervene in that lawsuit here in Polk County on March 1st and Frank Smith, representing the City of Altoona, has filed a Petition to Intervene. The City Development Board did not take any position. It appears that the City of Altoona will be able to intervene, but the Judge has not ruled on that decision yet.

The second is the City of Dubuque vs. the City Development Board involving the City of Sageville. The Petitioners filed a brief in February and the City Development Board filed a responsive brief in mid-February and the final reply brief was just done on the 6th of March. That hearing is scheduled for March 23rd, where I will be making the oral argument defending the City Development Board’s position in that matter. The City of Sageville has not intervened in that case, so we are the sole party representing that annexation.

Finally, Mr. Chair, I would request that with all the board members attending virtually today, for a statement in the minutes just to identify that the short duration of the meeting and the distance the Board members must travel, makes today’s meeting in-person impractical and that is just for the purposes of Chapter 21. Jim Halverson requested that statement be entered into the record. Vice Chair Halverson reminded board members to be in attendance in-person on April 12th to wish Mackenzie and Mari off on a positive note.

Future Meeting/ Public Hearings
April 12, 2023 at 1:00 p.m., City Development Board Meeting at IEDA, 1963 Bell Ave., Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room, Des Moines or via Teams Webinar April 12, 2023 at 1:30 p.m., Ankeny (NC23-02) Public
Hearing at IEDA, 1963 Bell Ave., Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room, Des Moines or via Teams Webinar April 12, 2023 at 2:00 p.m., Marion (NC23-03) Public Hearing at IEDA, 1963 Bell Ave., Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room, Des Moines or via Teams Webinar April 12, 2023 at 2:30 p.m., Grimes (NC23-04) Public Hearing at IEDA, 1963 Bell Ave., Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room, Des Moines or via Teams Webinar

1:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Hessing, Administrative Assistant
