Our Agency

City Development Board - August 14, 2024

State of Iowa City Development Board
August 14, 2024
1:00 p.m.
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200 – Helmick Conference Room
Des Moines, Iowa

Dennis Plautz, Board Chairperson
Jim Halverson, Board Vice Chairperson*
Laura Skogman*
Thomas Treharne*
Colleen Frein
Matt Rasmussen Betty Hessing Vicky Clinkscales
Eric Dirth, Iowa Attorney General’s Office
Claire Habel, City of Altoona
John Shaw, City of Altoona
Jeff Wozencraft, City of Cedar Rapids*
Lori Judge, IDOT*
Richard Pratt, Guest*
Chad Kahlsdorf, Snyder & Associates*

*Participated via Teams Webinar
Call to Order at 1:01 p.m.
  1. Welcome & Introductions – Board Chairperson Dennis Plautz
  2. Roll Call – Matt Rasmussen, Board Administrator
  3. Approve Agenda
    Motion by: Jim Halverson
    Motion: Move approval of the August 14, 2024 agenda as presented.
    Second: Laura Skogman
    Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
  4. Consideration of July 10, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes
    Motion by: Jim Halverson
    Motion: Move approval of the July 10, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes.
    Second: Laura Skogman
    Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
  5. New Business
    UA24-14 – Altoona
    Matt Rasmussen explained this is a 100% voluntary annexation petition to the City of Altoona consisting of 40 acres. The territory proposed to be annexed consists of agricultural land; the neighboring properties to the south and east are residential developments. This parcel has been called out in Altoona's Comprehensive Plan as low density residential. The proposed annexed land is for future development use and is about 1,300 feet north of 36th Street SW. The site will be developed in concert with the existing Brook Ridge development directly south of the parcel to be annexed. Water and sewer are directly south of the parcel and more utilities are to be installed during the development of the parcel. The territory being annexed is not subject to an existing moratorium agreement. The packet appears to be complete and properly filed. The proposed annexation area was displayed on maps.

    John Shaw, Community Development Director for the City of Altoona, was present to explain further and answer questions. No questions were asked.
    Motion by: Jim Halverson
    Motion: I move the Board find UA24-14 as complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
    Second: Colleen Frein
    Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.

    UA24-15 – Cedar Rapids
    Matt Rasmussen explained this is a 100% voluntary annexation petition to the City of
    Cedar Rapids consisting of .63 acres. The area to be annexed is immediately adjacent to the existing corporate limits. The proposed annexation is consistent with the City's Future Land Use Map laid out by EnvisionCR. That map identifies the land to be annexed as "Urban Medium Intensity", which the Comp Plan and the Zoning Code identify as being suitable for various commercial and residential uses. The application was reviewed by all city departments and no concerns with municipal services were raised. The site is adjacent to the city limits and services are provided to the existing parcels. The annexation is to allow development to city standards. Cedar Rapids has an annexation agreement with Marion that is applicable for this annexation. The proposed annexation aligns with that agreement. Cedar Rapids does not have an agreement with Robins, which is in the urban area. There are shared roads that are taken to the centerline and the county was properly noticed. Matt Rasmussen reported to the Board that this annexation appears to be complete and properly filed.

    Matt Rasmussen displayed on the map Annexation A and Annexation B. This is Annexation A which is the southern portion. You will notice that the City of Marion is shaded in red and
    Cedar Rapids is shaded in lime green on the map. There are two areas on that map that are outlined by oval dots; those are county slivers. When we originally received the petition, the annexation was a request of the entire area, but it is two non-contiguous parcels, so we split it off. It does not create an island because of those areas that are inside of the ovals with the black dots. There is unincorporated land inside there and they made a special effort not to include those in the annexation, so as not to create two islands.

    Jeff Wozencraft, Community Development Planner with the City of Cedar Rapids, stated the proposed annexations are not right-of-way, but to be included in parcels of a current subdivision that is being platted out. This entire annexation area was originally brought into the City with a fifty foot gap on the edge to provide space from the existing annexation moratorium boundary with the City of Marion and as a result of annexations that happened in the interim, the need to bring in these parcels and support existing property platting has become more urgent.

    Chair Plautz asked if there were any questions and Tom Treharne asked if the City of Marion weighed-in on these annexations and Jeff Wozencraft replied they have had discussions with the City of Marion and the two cities have updated their annexation moratorium agreement earlier this year. Cedar Rapids will work together with Marion to resolve the future of these two areas to support orderly development.
    Motion by: Jim Halverson
    Motion: I move the Board find UA24-15 complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
    Second: Colleen Frein
    Roll Call: Plautz-yes; Halverson-yes; Treharne-yes; Skogman-she recused herself from this vote due to potential interest in a company related to the annexation; Frein-yes. Motion approved.

    UA24-16 – Cedar Rapids
    Matt Rasmussen explained this is identical to the previous one and is Annexation B on the maps. The only difference here is it is obviously a different territory. Annexation A had three owners and Annexation B has one of those three owners, which is Midwest Development Company, and that is the company that Laura Skogman might have a conflict of interest with. This annexation is 2.92 acres.

    Chair Plautz asked if there were further comments from the City of Cedar Rapids and Jeff Wozencraft had none. Chair Plautz asked if the Board or anyone from the public had questions or comments. No one responded.
    Motion by: Jim Halverson
    Motion: I move the Board find UA24-16 as complete and properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
    Second: Colleen Frein
    Roll Call: Plautz-yes; Halverson-yes; Treharne-yes; Skogman-she recused herself from this vote due to potential interest in a company related to the annexation; Frein-yes. Motion approved.
  6. Staff Reports
    Matt Rasmussen stated that we have a couple of annexations on the September agenda and more may be coming.

    Eric Dirth informed the Board that from the Attorney General’s Office, there are still two cases on appeal in the appellate system—the Campbell matter and the City of Sageville matter. As for the one District Court case that was pending, the Nefzger’s have filed a voluntary dismissal so that case has concluded.
  7. Future City Development Board Meeting
    September 11, 2024 – 1:00 p.m. at IEDA, 1963 Bell Avenue, Helmick Conference Room,
    Des Moines
  8. Adjournment
    1:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Betty Hessing
Administrative Assistant to CDB

Approved as to form: 
Matt Rasmussen
Board Administrator to CDB
