Our Agency

City Development Board - January 10, 2024


Location: Iowa Economic Development Authority 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room Des Moines, Iowa or via Teams Webinar*
Date: January 10, 2024 | 1:00 p.m.


Board Members Thomas Treharne, Marion; Laura Skogman, Waukee
Board Chair Dennis Plautz, Fort Dodge
Board Vice Chair James Halverson, Cedar Rapids
Staff Matt Rasmussen, Board Administrator Betty Hessing, Administrative Assistant Eric Dirth, Department of Justice


  1. Call to Order

    1:00 p.m.
    1. Welcome & Introductions

    2. Roll Call

    3. Approve Agenda

    4. Consideration of November 8, 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

    5. Elect Board Chair and Vice Chair for 2024

    6. New Business

      1. UA24-02 Cedar Rapids

      2. NC24-03 Ankeny

      3. NC24-04 Ankeny

      4. UA24-05 Elkhart

      5. UA24-06 Nevada

    7. Avondale Veterinary Clinic Discussion

    8. Staff Reports

      1. Matt Rasmussen

      2. Eric Dirth

    9. Future City Development Board Meeting

      1. February 14, 2024

        1:00 p.m.
      2. CDB Business Meeting at IEDA, 1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200, Helmick Conference Room, Des Moines or via Teams Webinar

    10. Adjournment

*The meeting will be accessible to members of the public in person at IEDA or click on the link above to request the link to participate in the meeting via Teams. You will be directed to register to receive the link. Some members of the Board may participate via Teams due to travel issues.
NOTE: Board agendas may be amended at any time up to 24 hours before the meetings. Agenda items may be considered out of order at the discretion of the Chair for each meeting. Meetings will not convene earlier than stated above, but may begin later. - If you require accommodations to participate in this public meeting, call 515-348-6197 or TTY at (toll free) 800-735-2942 to make your request. Please notify us as soon as possible in advance of meeting.
