Our Agency
City Development Board - July 10, 2024
State of lowa City Development Board
Board Meeting
July 10, 2024
1:00 p.m.
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200 — Helmick Conference Room
Des Moines, lowa
State of lowa City Development Board
Board Meeting
July 10, 2024
1:00 p.m.
1963 Bell Avenue, Suite 200 — Helmick Conference Room
Des Moines, lowa
Dennis Plautz, Board Chairperson
Jim Halverson, Board Vice Chairperson
Laura Skogman
Thomas Treharne
Betty Hessing
Vicky Clinkscales
Matt Rasmussen
Eric Dirth, lowa Attorney General’s Office
Alex Pfaltzgraff, City of Grimes
Colleen Frein, Mason City Chamber of Commerce & recently appointed to the CDB*
Evann Martin, City of Grimes
Alecia Cederdahl, City Attorney for Grimes
Steven Postolka, Asst. City Attorney for
Anthony Volz, IDOT* Sioux City*
Lori Judge, IDOT*
Nathan Aronson, IDOT*
Evan Johnson, Legislative Services Agency*
Jace Mikels, Senate Democrats*
*Participated via Teams Webinar
Call to Order at 1:04 p.m.
I. Welcome & Introductions — Board Chairperson Dennis Plautz
II. Roll Call — Matt Rasmussen, Board Administrator
III. Approve Agenda
Motion by: Jim Halverson
Motion: Move approval of the July 10, 2024 agenda as presented.
Second: Thomas Treharne
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
IV. Consideration of June 12, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes
Motion by: Jim Halverson
Motion: Move approval of the June 12, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes.
Second: Thomas Treharne
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
V. Old Business
UA24-13 - Grimes
Matt Rasmussen explained we are revisiting an issue that we started last month. This is a 100% voluntary annexation for the City of Grimes. Typically, when an annexation has a common boundary with a road right-of-way by function of the law, it automatically
takes that road right-of-way to the centerline unless there is a 28E Agreement that would allow it to not go to the centerline. In this case, if they took it to the centerline, it would create an island which is prohibited. There was a 28E Agreement that the City of Grimes had worked on with the City of Urbandale and Dallas County. The three entities got together and agreed, verbally, that they were going to execute this new 28E Agreement. However, everybody signed on the dotted line except Urbandale. The Board visited with Grimes last month and so now Grimes executed a new 28E Agreement with Dallas County. With that 28E Agreement, Dallas County would be the entity to have
jurisdiction over that road right-of-way if it were not in the City.
Alex Pfaltzgraff, Development Services Director for the City of Grimes, explained that they took the Board’s direction to get the document re-drafted with Dallas County. We have assumed those maintenance responsibilities even though some of them would be on the Urbandale side of the line. The 28E Agreement has been filed with the Secretary of State. The Board had no questions or comments.
Motion by: Laura Skogman
Motion: | move the Board take UA24-13 off the table and find it to be complete and
properly filed and in the public interest and that it be approved.
Second: Thomas Treharne
Roll Call: All ayes. Motion approved.
VI. Staff Reports
Matt Rasmussen stated we met our new Board Member today via Teams, Colleen Frein, and we are glad to welcome her to the City Development Board. Matt Rasmussen and Betty Hessing will be meeting with her on July 23 to review Board duties and responsibilities and answer any questions she might have. Matt Rasmussen stated we are expecting a couple of annexations for the August
Eric Dirth had nothing to report.
VII. Future City Development Board Meeting
August 14, 2024 — 1:00 p.m. at IEDA, 1963 Bell Avenue, Helmick Conf. Room, Des Moines
VIII. Adjournment
1:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Bett Hessing
Administrative Assistant to CDB
Approved as to form:
Matt Rassmussen
Board Administrator to CDB